Our team

A unique mix of experience.


Jaime Alatorre

Passionate investor with diverse experience across different asset classes. Strong operational experience in healthcare, real estate, and asset management. Literature and whiskey enthusiast, phenomenal painter too.

Mario Sicilia

Former searcher and two times CEO, with outstanding results on both occasions. Vast experience in healthcare, logistics and private equity. Mexico's most serious fitness bootcamp aficionado, even after a strong night out.

Santiago Perez Teuffer

Top ranked investment analyst in Latin America. Entrepreneurial experience in the energy sector in Colombia, Brazil and Mexico. Biggest mexican soccer fan, and music & tequila devotee.
Strategic Advisor

Gerald Risk

15 years operating Asurion (the biggest Unicorn in Search co's), and a wide investing and board experience. He is Canada's biggest talent, and our favorite teacher at Stanford.
Strategic Advisor

Will Thorndike

More than 2 decades of search fund investing experience. Author of The Outisders, we think he is both the coolest and wisest man in the industry.
General Counsel

Miranda Zabludovsky

Strong background on M&A transactions, representing both entrepreneurs and investors. Most creative person in the team, with nobel-potential writing abilitites.
Office Manager

Flor Escalante

Extensive experience in management, she is the glue that keeps the pieces together. Flor has the best attitude and the biggest smile.

"Imagine, explore and realize entrepreneurial dreams that shape the future"

Create something meaningful with us.
Our team

Introducing you to your future team of partners

We want to write your story together.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"

- Winston Churchill